Pitcher Impact Windows is Released!
new Pitcher Impact Windows v1.51.2.742 is now available in the Windows Store with new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements.
New Native SDK Events have been added to assist partners and developers in meeting new customer requirements.
- Ti.App.fireEvent('arrangeQuickPlanningAccount')
Displays a message dialogue for the selected account in the quick planning page and determines whether the account should be deselected based on customer requirements such as Consent not given to initiate an interaction.
- Ti.App.fireEvent('logout')
Forcing CRM to logout ensures that the user's most recent configurations are reloaded upon a new, fresh login.
- Ti.App.fireEvent('getFirstDayOfWeek')
Retrieves the week's first day (in written format, e.g. Monday), as configured in the app.
For more detailed information how to use that events inside Pitcher customizations, please check https://ui.pitcher.com/docs/core/ti-app-docs/all-events.html#split-view-nav-js
Native Stats Events
The following new stats events have been added to enable the review of potential SSO login issues for your users:
- login_with_SSO_button_is_clicked : When the sso button is enabled by the user.
- SSO_navigation_succeed : When the sso page is opened following a click. The user can specify the time interval between clicking and displaying the page. Additionally, the user can see what he/she opens, such as a salesforce sandbox or an idp url.
- SSO_navigation_failed : unable to login via SSO.
Config parameters
- skipExtraContactVisibility : Added a new parameter that disables the use of account visibility in contact queries and retrieves contacts without regard for account visibility. By default, this parameter is false.
- Improvements inside delta CRM Synch and configuration push. Users do not need to restart Pitcher in order to apply new configurations.
- Discussion items order fix - The order of discussion items has been fixed for linked content captured during a call. Discussion items are now sorted according to the content presentation order.
- Fix to show Activities Related List inside Contact card