Pitcher Impact iOS 2.85.291 is Released!
Hey there 👋
We’re pleased to announce that the following features and bug fixes are now available in the AppStore!
Overlapping colored map pins for accounts are introduced to distinguish each account within the same location.
It may be challenging for the user to distinguish between the accounts on the map if there are multiple accounts in the same location. Pitcher uses colored map pins for the accounts to address this issue. These are pretty much configurable with various geometrical shapes.
Save trip for quick call planning is now available for iPhone allowing user can check saved trips, plan trips and optimize trips on the iPhone as well.
SDK Support
In order to help partners and developers satisfy new client requirements, additional Native SDK Events have been added.
- Ti.App.fireEvent('arrangeQuickPlanningAccount')
Displays a message dialogue for the selected account in the quick planning page and determines whether the account should be deselected based on customer requirements such as Consent not given to initiate an interaction.
Config parameters
- contentFilteringEnabled : Filters are removed for displaying the list of contents in the Select Content pop-up window for the Detailed call planner. Now, all the contents are displayed in the Pre-call select content window.
- usePersonAccountsAsContacts: Synchronization of Person Accounts is completely supported by SFDC customers. Customers can now choose between the new synchronization option and the existing useAccountsAsContacts feature.
- The application was crashing at login while using an external Bluetooth keyboard. Now, it is supported more smoothly
- In some scenarios video controls were not appearing on the iPad, the bug is now fixed
- Other minor bug fixes