2 years ago
Pitcher Impact Live 5.2 Is Released!
new Pitcher Impact Live v5.2 is released with new features and performance improvements
- Hosts (Impact users) can mute selected participants or all participants from the new “Participant” dialog.
- Hosts (Impact users) can remove the selected participants from the meetings
- Participants will be reminded to rotate their screens to the landscape mode when a mobile device/smartphone is used to join the remote meeting in portrait mode.
The video panel of the participants will be ordered as per the below attributes allowing the Web participants to identify the active members of the session better
- Participants with the presenter status (can share their screen)
- Host
- Current user (“myself”)
- Participants with both microphone and camera enabled
- Participants with only microphone enabled
- Participants with only camera enabled
- Participants with both microphone and camera disabled
The new microphone icon on the top left side of the participant video will be arranged as per the following rules
- red and crossed if the participant has microphone muted
- grey if the participant has the microphone unmuted
- green if the participant speaks for at least 0.3s
- back to grey if participant stops being an active speaker (silent for at least 3s)