a year ago7/6/2023
Pitcher Impact IOS 2.85.708 Released!
Hey there 👋!
We’re pleased to announce that the following bug fixes have been fixed and are now available inside Apple Store.
bug fixes
- Resolved layout issues in the custom decks. Previously, there were problems when arranging a horizontal presentation slide as the first slide, followed by a vertical PDF page. These issues have been fixed, ensuring proper layout and alignment in the custom decks PDF.
- Fixed issues related to updating last visits for contacts and person accounts. The previous logic for updating this information was not functioning correctly. The problem has been resolved, and now the last visit information is accurately updated for contacts and person accounts.
- Multiple small issues within the filters functionality have been addressed in this release. These improvements enhance the performance and usability of the filters feature, providing a smoother and more efficient user experience.
We strive to provide you with a reliable and seamless experience, and these bug fixes contribute to that goal. We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue reporting any issues you encounter, helping us improve our software even further.