Pitcher Impact iOS 2.85.337 is Released!
Hey there 👋
We’re pleased to announce that the following features and bug fixes are now available in the AppStore!
Search Engine Improvements
Now our Impact iOS users can use the new improved search engine ,as was implemented in Pitcher Impact Windows, to help find the right customers inside Pitcher. The following search capabilities have been introduced:
- Search case insensitive for non-latin alphabet characters like Turkish. For Example: Search for by “orcun” to identify “Orçun"
- Search case insensitive for Diacritic characters. For Example: Search for by “ole” to identify “Öle”.
- Support wild card search without user input. For Example: Search for by “rob will” to identify “Robert Williams"
- Support search for non-ordered strings. For Example: Search “Williams Robert” to identify “Robert Williams”
These new enhancements have been introduced across all Pitcher Super App allowing the users to do the improved search anywhere like Detailed Planning, Quick Planning, Home UI, Interactives which by default are off.
In order to enable that feature, users need to go to Pitcher settings and turn on the new configuration as shown in the image below.
Advanced Search configuration
In addition to the features above, a new Advanced Search configuration can be enabled inside your instance to define a CRM field that extends the search to additional fields like address, type, title, function, segmentation or any other field available inside your Account or Contact CRM fields.
Please contact your Pitcher SPOC to learn more about this new Advanced Search Configuration feature and how to activate it.
New Native SDK Events have been added to assist partners and developers in meeting new customer requirements.
- Ti.App.fireEvent('addsfEvent'): This event directly creates a planned call with the given parameters from an interactive.
Config parameters
- callUniqueFieldIOS: new parameter has been introduced in order to support dual synchronizations between different platforms such as iOS/Windows/Android for our multi-device customers.
- syncSubmittedCalls: new parameter introduced to sync submitted calls in iCal calendar to support our multi-device customers.
- Salesforce queries fails if the query contains an ampersand (&). Now the following conditions are supported:
WHERE Status = 'Discovery & Validation'
- Creating a call from task form with choose later option was not possible, now this issue has been fixed.
- Other minor bug fixes.