Pitcher Impact iOS 2.85.308 is Released!
Hey there 👋
We’re pleased to announce that the following features and bug fixes are now available in the AppStore!
Send Synch Activity Tracking and Synch Errors to CRM
New feature has been added to support to send the following information to CRM:
- Synch Stats: Allows for the integration of all end-user synchronization tracking data into CRM and allows for the assessment of synch time and whether or not it was successful.
- Synch Errors: allowing any Upstream/Downstream errors produced during a sync to be included into CRM.
That features are not enabled by default and require changes in the configuration of the instances. Your Pitcher Representative can be contacted to activate this feature.
Download Language Package
It is no longer necessary to manually choose the instance when the app is resuming because the Download Language Package has been adjusted in iOS to function similarly to Windows. As a result, the process is now more user-friendly.
SDK Support
Config parameters have been added to support customers configurations.
- TerritoryVisibility: setting used to filter queries based on Accounts is now available for custom cache queries Ex:
select id, name, accountid where {TerritoryVisibility}
- limitContactSearchToAccounts: A new option has been added to restrict contact searches to the accounts chosen during detailed planning; this new feature aids customers who have a large number of contacts and account relationships in finding the right client. Searches are conducted by default inside the entire universe.
- pinColorsToHideOnAccountList: The pin could be shown in the Account panel thanks to a feature in version 291. In that new version, we may now include the pins that consumers desire to hide.
- customCrmErrorHandlerEvent: sends parameters for downstream errors to given event name as part of new feature Send Synch Activity Tracking and Synch Errors to CRM
- customUpstreamErrorHandlerEvent: sends parameters for upstream errors to given event name as part of new feature Send Synch Activity Tracking and Synch Errors to CRM
- customUpstreamSuccessHandlerEvent: sends parameters for upstream errors that no longer fail to given event name as part of new feature Send Synch Activity Tracking and Synch Errors to CRM
New Native SDK Events have been added to assist partners and developers in meeting new customer requirements.
- Ti.App.fireEvent('setAccountID')
New event has been implemented to support to change Accounts inside a planned call in the post call form. By using this feature, it is possible to modify the account if it is modified during the interaction rather than starting a new one.
- Ti.App.fireEvent('getparameter')
New event has been implemented to support enable loading interactives in iframes
That features are not enabled by default and requires changes in the configuration of the instances. Your Pitcher Representative can be contacted to activate this feature.
- Other minor bugs in configuration CRM queries