2 years ago
Pitcher Impact iOS 2.85.200 is Released!
NEW Pitcher Impact iOS v2.85.200 new version is released with new SDK support features and bug fixes.
SDK Support
New Native SDK Events have been added to assist partners and developers in meeting new customer requirements.
- Ti.App.fireEvent('getOAuthToken'): authenticate and authorize with any OAuth provider supporting certificates installed on the device without switching between the Safari Application and Impact.
- Ti.App.fireEvent('dbFunction'): introduces the support for parameterized queries in dbFunction event. Support covers both single queries, as well as multi queries (where in the input params there is an array of queries, instead of a single query). For single queries input param is named as args, while for multi queries it is named queriesArgs
Config parameters
defaultPinColor: new parameter has been introduced inside pincolors setting to define the default color
"pinColors": {
"attr": "Segment__c",
"values": [
"value": "A",
"color": "green"
"value": "B",
"color": "yellow"
"value": "C",
"color": "red"
"defaultPinColor": "gray"
PDF Reading Mode: The problem with browsing interactive pdfs in Slide Mode has been resolved inside the build.