Pitcher Impact iOS 2.85.192 is Released!
NEW Pitcher Impact iOS v2.85.192 new version is released with new features.
Detailed Planning on iPhones
In keeping with our iPhone platform enhancements, we are pleased to announce that Detailed Planning is now available to our iPhone users.
Users may now simply plan calls on their iPhones without having to use a tablet or online CRM. Users can reschedule calls whenever they wish, increasing productivity and improving the user experience.
As mentioned in our previous release, portrait and landscape modes are supported.
Search for one character supported in Planning / Map views
A new functionality has been implemented to allow users to search for accounts or contacts using only one character.
If you would like to activate this feature, please contact your Pitcher representative.
Hebrew Language
Our list of supported languages has been expanded to include Hebrew.
If you would like to activate the new language on your Pitcher configuration, please contact your Pitcher representative.