4 months ago
Pitcher Impact IOS 2.85.1065 is Released!
A new version of Pitcher Impact iOS has been published in the Apple AppStore. With this version, we have completed an extensive amount of testing with iPadOS 18 and eliminated all issues we have found. In the iPadOS Public Release (GA) and subsequent updates, we will monitor the changes and keep on testing our application.
Key Updates:
- Content and app developers can now access to new functions to register and schedule push notifications even when the app is not running. These notifications can be used as reminders to bring the users back to the application.
- A new connection quality indicator is added to the Impact Live remote meeting controls to indicate if the user device connection health is good (with a green dot) or not (with a red dot). Please note this indicator is for the user (host) device, not for the participants and we suggest making a connection test before starting the calls as usual to detect connection problems in advance. This change will support the users to monitor their connection status during the call, not only at the start. Please see below for the two cases.
- Additional information is added about error logs to identify the issues and the user environment easier
- The error logging SDK is upgraded with a newer version and new config parameters were introduced to optimize the app performance
- Other minor bug fixes and performance improvements to prepare the Pitcher Impact app for the new iPadOS 18.