Pitcher Impact for Android 2.10.3 is released
Pitcher Impact for Android 2.10.3 is released now.
- Zero drive email templates are available now for Android.
This allows the user to use Email templates to share zero drive link. Now a custom message can be set for zero drive link shares in the email application. This means that while sharing the content a standard message along with url to the content can be generated and shared.
- Share Content in Presentation mode
Now it is possible to share presentation, video, PDF in presentation mode. Sharing option will appear at the bottom of the screen. Check the image for the reference.
SDK Support
New parity items already implemented in previous releases in iOS/Windows has been added to Android.
Config parameters have been added to support customers' configurations.
- TerritoryVisibility: setting used to filter queries based on Accounts is now available for custom cache queries Ex:
select id, name, accountid where {TerritoryVisibility}
- Related List Sort Settings: A new feature has been developed to allow the customers to define related list object order based on configuration and overwriting SFDC order. This new feature is related to the following SFDC issue described in SFDC Article
New Native SDK Event has been added to assist partners and developers in meeting new customer requirements.
- Ti.App.fireEvent('dbFunction'): introduces the support for parameterized queries in dbFunction event. Support covers both single queries, as well as multi queries (where in the input params there is an array of queries, instead of a single query). For single queries input param is named as args, while for multi queries it is named queriesArgs
- Various minor issues causing the application to crash have been fixed.
- Login-related issues are fixed.
- The issue of the video button overlapping with the file share button is fixed.
- The issue where the user could not send files via email has now been fixed.
- Other minor bug fixes