a year ago
Pitcher Impact Android 3.12.25 Released!
We're thrilled to announce a new version of Pitcher Impact Android with bug fixes and improvements to enhance your experience. In this release, we've focused on addressing user-reported issues and refining existing features.
What's New
- Added support for the getCallObject event to retrieve current call information. This addition improves feature parity across different platforms for Pitcher Impact. To learn more, click here.
- Added support for the getEvents event to retrieve all calls for a given period. This addition improves feature parity across different platforms for Pitcher Impact. To learn more, click here.
- Added a new markAllAsRead event to mark all downloaded attachments as read. We use this event to provide a consistent user experience when a user reinstalls the application or changes the device. To learn more, click here.
- Added a new Do not log - cancel the call option for the back button on the post-call screen. This addition improves feature parity across different platforms for Pitcher Impact.
- Improved geolocation performance when viewing call details and in the call planning screen
- Moved the logout button to the bottom of the main page for InStore, improving the usability of our application for Sales Reps
- Selecting Use Account by default in the Contact selection screen during Call planning, resulting in fewer clicks for Sales Reps to start a visit
- Added a new Start time picker to Quick Planning, enabling Sales Reps to quickly plan customer visits
- Added two new configuration options
to detailed call planning that allows users to show coloured pins in the Contacts list.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed several stability issues related to Activities, Crashlytics, and event sync
- Fixed an issue where the preselected PPTX content was not displayed in the Precall Form
- Fixed an issue where the unplanned calls failed to sync to Salesforce due to duplication of event objects
- Fixed an issue where the start and end times of calls did not reflect the updated timezone in the Android device settings after retrieving the calls from Salesforce