Introducing Pitcher Contract
Hi there! Please let me introduce Pitcher Contract, a module designed to increase the efficiency of negotiations between the Field Force and their Customers.
There are 2 user profiles involved in Pitcher Contract process:
- Business Admins: they are in charge of creating the contract templates in Salesforce. These templates include all the contract terms, conditions, and goals, which should respect the business and legal rules applicable. Business Admins can block the editability of certain sections to ensure that the Contracts remain 100% compliant.
- Sales Reps: Sales Reps will use the prepared templates to generate actual contracts in Pitcher Impact. Sales Reps will prefill the contracts with the data they are able to enter with the editability limits defined by Backoffice, discuss the contracts with customers, adjust them based on their discussion, and aim to capture customer signatures to close deals.
To do so, they can navigate to the Contracts section, where they will find, per Account, both the "Not Signed" and "Signed" contracts. Sales Reps will also be able to create new contracts based on existing templates.
As part of the Contract flow, once everything is ready to be signed, the Sales Rep can ask the Customer to capture its signature on Pitcher Impact or, instead, to activate a Remote Signature process.
Face 2 Face process involves having the Sales Rep handing over the tablet to the Customer, enabling them to capture their signature on Pitcher Impact. Meanwhile, Remote Signature process would disable Customer's F2F field from the UI and send an email to the Customer with a link to a Portal where the Customer will be able to:
- Review the terms discussed checking a PDF generated by Pitcher Contract, which will include Sales Rep signature.
- Provide their signature to confirm they agree on what is specified on the PDF.
Once these steps are executed by the Customer, whether an F2F or a Remote process has been completed, the Customer signature will be added to the Contract, which will become Read Only. The PDF, besides being stored in Salesforce, will be sent automatically to the Sales Rep, Customer and other inboxes defined by Backoffice, which can be Contract-type specific.
If you are interested in activating Pitcher Contract in your Pitcher Impact setup, please reach your Pitcher contact person.